Wednesday, December 12, 2007


A shortcut to make quiche,

1 rol ready to cook pâte brisé
Bacon (beef, chicken, turkey, no pork!) :D
60 gr grated cheese
1 cup (100 ml) cream
1 cup (100 ml) milk
nutmeg powder (pala bubuk)
a tiny bit of salt to season

How to cook:
easy peasy....

Line the pâte brisé in a baking plate, shape, put grease proof paper, put something like nuts/rice on top of paper and bake it for 10 minutes to shape the bottom. Put aside to cold.

Pan fry bacon and line them on the bottom of baked pastry.
Mix all other ingredients in the bowl, pour them into the baked pastry and put altogether in the oven, bake for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

Set aside to cold and enjoy!

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